Large-scale agriculture pushes use of pesticides, insecticides, inorganic fertilizers, mono-cropping, and GMO seeds to enable one crop farmer to manage more acres; and encourages factory farms to confine the animals, to use antibiotics, to manipulate genes, to use species-inappropriate feed, and to accelerate maturation / production (milking three instead of two times a day, for example). Crops for export and processing into component ingredients (ex. corn and soy) vs. for use as whole foods in local markets. Government subsidies become an issue.
CSA. Significantly shorter supply chains. Crops and animals which are native or at least compatible with local environment and culture. Dry-farming. Seasonal production.
Harley Davidson
Shift from manufacturing line to team production created more work variety and an understanding of impact (a sense of the whole) which led to increased productivity and quality (and worker retention and commitment to skills development and doing what needs to be done?).
Very large scale manufacturing leads to humans as robots.