
Cats suffer from Type II diabetes but not Type I.  A small percentage develop insulin resistance.  Rapid weight loss, increased thirst and urination, dehydration, dizziness, vomiting, and staggering are all symptoms which may be associated with diabetes.  A blood test at the vet’s will determine if diabetes is the cause or if further testing should be done.  (Lymphoma and hyperthyroidism have similar symptoms.)

The standard treatment is a twice daily insulin injection.  Some cats – especially those who have been and who continue to be on a carbohydrate free diet – will become non-diabetic after treatment for a period with insulin.  If you aren’t doing so already, regularly measure and record the weight of the cat and the cat’s meals.  Once a cat starts receiving insulin, regularly test the cat’s blood glucose (preferably at home in a less stressful situation to avoid false readings).

Costco is one option for purchasing insulin and needles – though if purchased for a companion animal (prescription required) you will have to pay sales tax.

Starting point: Diabetes Mellitus Center in the The Pet Health Library by Wendy C. Brooks.

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