Penelope Gordon’s My Parks Pinterest board
I encourage everyone to create a ‘My Parks’ list – whether on a social media site such as Pinterest or Facebook or on a piece of paper – and to share that list. Include those parks which you look forward to visiting – your parks ‘bucket list’.
This is the start of a ‘My Parks’ campaign to consolidate interest in and contributions to our parks into a single stream.
I envision a ‘My Parks’ Web site which would be a portal to all parks – including those run by non-governmental organizations – and a single point for donating money to support those parks. Analogous to United Way’s fundraising for health and human services organizations, My Parks would allow contributors to apportion their contributions between specific recipients and a general fund. My Parks would use a formula for distributing the general fund to member organizations.
I want to be able to go to one site to get a list of the parks in the greater San Francisco area that have redwoods rather than to the separate state, regional, and national parks sites. Likewise I want to donate through a single site. (SF-area redwood visiting sites include,, and; fundraising sites include:,, and
What actions do you suggest we take to make parks yours and mine?